We must find a framework, but we must be prepared to change

Perhaps in the future, we will see two distinct types of works: those produced in the traditional manner and those produced with a hyper-reality that perfectly replicates real life. However, it does not mean that there will be no author or creator. speaker prof. Giuseppe emphasized what the role of the law in this fast-developing framework should be. When defining authorship and ownership in different jurisdictions, we should always consider the applicable law from a political standpoint, as well as a business perspective, thinking of the types of work that a legal system wants to encourage, as that is ultimately the function of Intellectual Property. Otherwise, so Professor Xavier -Said, this kind of production exits the realm of IP and enters into other bodies of law that have nothing to do with the rationale of IP.

From the perspective of the European Union

When it comes to media policies, we should expect even more from regulators to ensure a strong incentive for human creators and human performers. If not, large media conglomerates might become even more dominant than they are now. Therefore, it is an inevitable consequence of the fact that a jurisdiction, like the EU, might place even more burdens on the conglomerate. Not to mention the reform of the Media Services Director in , which imposed some quotas, even on the platforms that people adore. The risk could probably Taiwan WhatsApp Number Data be protectionism, which adds to the richness of our discussion because see very different perspectives around the world. What can done to ensure greater diversity of content, as well as independence of smaller producers Speaker . Javier -stated that, in order to operate their business. platforms provide a wide variety of content to attract enough audiences.

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New forms of recreation will continue in order to catch

The audience’s attention The commitment of producers and platforms will encourage them to produce everything that might be interesting to the public. The phenomenal Korean production, Squid Games, is an example. Not everything in this new marketing is wrong, it just represents the new century. speaker prof. Giuseppe added that European Austria WhatsApp Number List listeners face the challenge of unifying EU digital markets, which is a difficult thing for a variety of reasons. Market integration is being aided more by players such as Netflix and Amazon than by the law itself. Indeed, these players see the reach of the broadest and most diverse types of audiences as a business priority and have an incentive to diversify their content productions. Being able to gather data from users, platform companies are motivated to know and commercially exploit what their customers want and they do so at a pan-European and cross-border level.

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