8 unspoken workplace rules that you must know! The less you know, the more you suffer

Some people who have just entered the company do not know the unspoken rules that everyone will not say on the surface, but they mes? Come and take a look.


1. There are no real friends in the workplace, only fake ones

In the workplace, your so-called good friends may eventually become your competitors. No matter how good the relationship is, there are only so many positions and it’s either you or me. You never know how your friends are secretly trying to squeeze you out.


2. Don’t gossip about other people’s private affairs, and don’t share your own private affairs.

In the workplace, people’s relationships are not that close, so you should not gossip about other people’s private affairs, such as salary, boyfriend or girlfriend, etc. People are not obliged to tell you, and will hate you instead. And you should not be foolish enough to tell others everything, because you never know when you will fail because of your mouth.


3. The one who pays is the boss, the boss is right and can never be wrong


Even if you think your boss is wrong, don’t Romania Phone Number List say it to his face or try to correct him. After all, who knows if your boss is broad-minded or narrow-minded? If he is the latter, he will hate you in a minute. Of course, you can choose to tell him in a more tactful way, such as giving him some “humble opinions” and letting him make the decision.

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4. Keep a low profile and you will live longer

Remember, keeping a low profile is always the Cambodia Phone Number ListPhone Number safest approach. As the saying goes, the first bird to stick its head out gets shot. If you brag about your “great achievements” every day and tell others about. J them, and you’re afraid that others won’t know about them, then eventually others wi. Jll get tired of you, and some “jealous people” will even make trouble because they’re too jealous of you.

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