Mom Data Service


Forecasting tools should be dynamic

enough to retarget and defer when overlook volume appears later than expect. Understand your customers’ tolerance for waiting, and recognize that waits may be different on a Monday morning than on a Wnesday afternoon. It changes when the reason for the call changes and the customer’s sense of urgency changes. This ultimately affects abandon time, which in turn affects abandon rate, repeat call rate, and total offers.


This ratio should be evaluat and kept

up-to-date as conditions change, as we Mom Database reforecast volumes, processing times, shrinkage, etc. We don’t ne to ruce utilization. For example: in a center, a call is receiv, the processing time is minutes, the shrinkage rate is %, and the service target is %/, we ne: for people to handle the basic workload (call time + time) + for people waiting in idle state Additional

staff for the next customer (because

we want to answer % within The Downside of the Dial Tone seconds, that is, “utilization”) +, ​​the additional staff can make up for the % ruction in the original workload (÷(-%)) = the


majority of the total number o

f staff requir for full load The software still seems to be exaggerating the ruction requir by the workload and utilization, making the % ruction rate = people in step 1 of the above example.

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