Kinesthetic neuromarketing

Visual neuromarketing

As you can imagine, it is the type of neuromarketing that uses the eyes (sight) to move the consumer. It is probably the type of neuromarketing that you use most in your strategies, due to its high degree of effectiveness and impact on consumers.

These are some examples of visual neuromarketing that you probably already know: 

Any stimulus that catches the UAE Phone Number Data consumer’s eye is considered visual neuromarketing. For example, ending prices at 0.99 always makes consumers consider the product or service to be cheaper compared to the competition, even when the difference is minimal.  

Words like “free,” “discount,” “offer,” and “sale” also create a similar feeling. Supermarkets and e-commerce companies use this strategy to generate positive emotions in the buyer. 

Mobile phone number

 Kinesthetic neuromarketing

Kinesthetic neuromarketing is the type of Bahrain Phone Number List neuromarketing that uses other senses to influence people: touch, taste and smell. This is the type of neuromarketing that is least used by brands. 

To use this type of neuromarketing, your brand has to belong to a particular niche or be quite creative in doing so.  

The hospitality sector is one of those that most exploits kinesthetic neuromarketing. Fragrances in facilities and rooms, the quality and texture of sheets, etc., all of this has a sensorial impact on people and generates good emotions and thoughts. 

Determining elements for neuromarketing

There are several elements that you should always consider when using neuromarketing in your strategies. Grab a pen and paper… and check this out: 

1. The colors

Did you know that colors generate sensations in users? Yes, indeed. In fact, color psychology shows that colors are capable of transmitting emotions in people.

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