How to prospect?

Prospecting has become a must for companies and their teams. Sales, marketers and many others use it with one and the same objective: CONVERT!

But how to prospect efficiently?

Let’s begin with the leads search (qualified, please!) that you will then target with your prospecting plan. For example, you can use scraping software (discover our top 10 scraping tools in 2023) to get the contact information of professionals in your sector.

Clearly, these software are able to retrieve a large amount of data in a totally automated way, great no? What a time saver!

To make sure you are collecting data from prospects that match your offer, remember to :

  • Define your target: decision-makers are the priority in your research because they are the ones who will evaluate the value of your product
  • Find out about their Egypt Phone Numbers activity: you will not sell a prospecting solution to a graphic designer!
  • Identify their needs: the size of the company (is it an SME or a large company?), what are their requirements for quality (standard or premium?)

After identifying and scraping your valuable leads, don’t forget to enter their contact information in your CRM (Dropcontact enrich and update your database in just a few minutes!)

The next step is to get in touch with your selected prospects: by phone, by email, by mail, there are many ways to reach your prospects. One thing is certain. The chances of converting on the first contact are unlikely

You’ve found your prospects… what’s next? It’s time to choose how to contact them! And for that. We’ll introduce you to the different prospecting channels

Egypt Phone Numbers

Prospecting channels

Cold Calling prospecting

Did you know that 47% of French companies prefer cold calling to other prospecting channels? (source: Statista 2018)

But is Cold-Calling the best prospecting alternative for you

The advantages of Cold-Calling

  • Direct contact with the customer: an efficient and friendly approach will be a positive point for the rest of the sales process
  • Get a quick answer: in case your prospect picks up the phone, this allows you to be sure about his interest (or not) in your product!
  • Adapt your speech: by having your prospect on the phone. You can easily adapt your speech and talk to your prospect naturally

The disadvantages of cold-calling

  • Time-consuming practice: it requires a lot of perseverance
  • It’s expensive: Cold-Calling  Australia Phone Number List requires monopolizing one or more sales representatives for several hours that your Sales team could spend closing deals
  • Hard to reach your prospect: getting a prospect on the phone can sometimes require a dozen attempts!

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